Welcome Aboard Susanne
There have been some changes on the Club Board in recent weeks, with two directors stepping down and one replacement named.
The club has been blessed over the last decade to be able to call upon the indefatigable services of Jenny Cole as a Director of the club. Jenny has been a phenomenal contributor across the spectrum of the club’s activities on and off the water and epitomises the SRC spirit. This was recognised last year when Jenny joined the elite club of recipients of the blue honour blazer. Alas, Jenny has recently moved to Tasmania and as such as retired from the board.
Similarly, the champion lightweight and former fastest man in NSW, Hugh McLeod, has moved to Taree and stepped down from the board after many years of valuable service to all rowers in the club. All members are thankful for the unerring dedication to the club that both have showed and look forward to seeing them regularly when they are back in Sydney.
One new position has been named it is that of the social director, the new incumbent will be a familiar face to many in the form of Susanne Thiebe. Since her son Max began rowing at Sydney 5 years ago, Susanne has been a familiar presence in the club and frequently has given her skills and energies in support of the club’s endeavors. She will undoubtedly be a great asset to the Board, and by extension all SRC members.